University enrollment

University enrollment:

Students in your master must enroll simultaneously at both universities Freiburg and Strasbourg. After arrival, you will enroll first at your home university where you must pay the enrolment fees and second at the partner university.

The following steps can be done after your arrival in September. Your coordinators will be happy to guide you through these procedure. You must not fill out or send the online application forms.

For first enrollment in Strasbourg, you must register yourself online on the platform CVEC:
1) connect yourself and create your account HERE under "Inscription" at the top of the page. At the bottom of the form you must tick "je n’ai pas d’INE" if you’ve never studied in Strasbourg before. You will then receive a confirmation number to carry on with the procedure.
2) Indicate the city where you study (Strasbourg)
3) Pay the enrollment fee
The certificate issued at the end of the procedure must be handed in to your Strasbourg coordinator, Ms. Ehles, in the "scolarité" of the faculty of physics and engineering.
When finalized, your enrollment in Strasbourg is valid for the whole academic year (2 semesters).
4) If you don’t have a health insurance valid for the EU (private or EHIC-card), you must register yourself on the AMELI site and obtain the health insurance certificate (no payment needed). You’ll need this AMELI certificate for the subsequent enrollment in Freiburg.
5) Proceed with the enrollment in Freiburg

For first enrollment in Freiburg,
all steps are explained here under "international students" or under "German students§"
1) fill in the enrollment form from the online Hisinone system and print it out.
2) You can either send by post the form and all the documents mentioned on your Freiburg admission letters (certified copies) or enroll personally at the Service Centre.
3) You will take out your German health insurance for students which is mandatory for enrollment. The required certificate will be issued to you within a few days. More information on health insurance for students here.
4) Pay the enrollment fee.
5) Once you have received the enrollment certificate, bring it to your coordinator in Strasbourg and
6) Proceed with the enrollment in Strasbourg

Here is a check-list to help you with your enrollment in Freiburg


At Freiburg university, you will have to renew your enrolment each semester.

After enrolment, you will receive you student ID cards from both universities.