Internship / Master Thesis
There is a mandatory internship in the 3. semester. You can do this internship either at the university or in another research institute outside the university or in the industry. You must look for an internship by yourself.
General information on internship here
If you want to do your internship in Freiburg/Germany you have to chose one of Freiburg university professors as your M.Sc supervisor and contact him / her. If you intend to do this internship (also called "lab course") outside Freiburg university, please consult these guidelines in ILIAS.
If you want to do your internship in Strasbourg/France:
Procedure: turn to Vincent Le Houérou or Ms. Isabelle Huber ( for the "convention de stage" (mandatory internship contract)
If you want to do your internship abroad (outside the EUCOR area to which both your universities Freiburg and Strasbourg belong, you can apply for a placement scholarship through Freiburg university. Contact person is Prof. Kurz (Room 138 Chemistry building). Please consider the insurance and residence regulations abroad according to your status.
The Master Thesis are defended during the "Science Day" organised each year at the end of June: it consists in a open-to-all day of scientific presentations, which brings together M1 and M2 students as well as researchers interested in the content of the programme. A journal is edited, the IMPolyS Annual Journal, gathering the scientific papers of students’work.
For the master thesis and internship, you may contact the following institutes/faculties in Freiburg, Mulhouse and / or Strasbourg. The topic of the master thesis can be chosen individually, in agreement with the supervisor.
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
The faculty does research on synthetic and natural materials and their conversions. The research focuses on three areas: Synthesis and Catalysis, Energy and Materials, and Enzymes and Active Ingredients.
In addition, it is also possible to directly contact the institutes, departments or research groups working in the field of polymer and soft matter science. For example :
Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry
Our research focuses on the synthesis, characterization and processing of polymers, green polymer chemistry, functional polymers and systems, sustainable development, and biosystems.
IMTEK. Department for Microsystems and Engineering
The main research foci of the IMTEK are: Energy Autonomous Microsystems, Smart Systems Integration, Lab-on-a-Chip and Medical MEMS, Smart Materials, Surfaces and Processes, and Optical Systems.
Experimental polymer physics group
Research in the group "Experimental POLYMER Physics" concentrates on properties of surfaces and interfaces, structure formation processes, and functional materials.
LivMats offers a Master Lab: an interdisciplinary, research-oriented extra-curricular program for Master students of the University of Freiburg
Statistical physics of soft matters and complex systems
Group of Prof. Schilling
Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M)
IS2M conducts research in materials science in the fields of chemistry and physics of surfaces and interfaces as well as in porous materials.
Laboratoire de Photochimie et d’Ingénierie Macromoléculaire (LPIM)
The key research areas of LPIM are photochemistry and photo-polymerization for advanced technologies.
The ICS conducts fundamental research at the interface of chemistry and physics of polymeric materials and self-assembled systems.
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS)
The objective of the IPCMS is to develop new materials and cutting edge technologies to tackle key issues in optics, electronics or magnetism, with a special interest in nanosciences.
Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Polymères pour les Hautes Technologies (LIPHT)
The LIPHT conducts research going from fundamental aspects to the applications of polymers for sustainable development and health.
Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoleculaires (ISIS)
The vocation of the ISIS is to conduct multidisciplinary research at the interfaces between physics, chemistry and biology of self-assembled systems.

Master thesis in Freiburg: please contact a professor of the study course. The appropriate form (in ILIAS) has to be signed and transmitted to the examination office.
Master thesis in Strasbourg: please contact the French director of the study course.